National Ultralight Inc.
World's Leading Challenger Distributor

Challenger Light Sports - The Ultimate Challengers
The Company

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National Ultralight Inc was founded in 1983 and since 1984 the company has been the exclusive distributor of the Challenger line of aircraft in Canada. Headquarters are at Edenvale Aerodrome, an hour north of Toronto, Ontario.

We have a collection of ten Challengers at Edenvale including five new
582 powered Challenger Light Sport XL-65's. Our fleet has just about every configuration, option and aftermarket accessory available including
wheels, tundra wheels, wheel/skis and amphibious floats!

National Ultralight is the world's leading Challenger distributor with over 600 Challengers in Canada, making it by far the most popular plane in its class.

The versatility of the Challenger line of aircraft is legendary: wheels, skis, floats, soaring. Local and transcontinental flights. Four seasons a year of use!

Challengers have vastly lower acquisition, operating and maintenance costs than all other comparable aircraft, even those with far fewer capabilities!

Owners enjoy a huge user community and an extensive support network.
All this has resulted in over 4,000 Challengers being shipped since 1983!

National Ultralight is also the world's leading distributor of Puddlejumper amphibious floats as well as Turbulence skis and wheel/skis for Challengers

National Ultralight is wholly owned by Bryan Quickmire. Bryan is a member of the Challenger Advisory Council formed by Quad City Aircraft Corp. The Council's mandate is to guide development of the Challenger line of aircraft.

Bryan earned his wings in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets in 1967 and went on to acquire a commercial licence with multi-engine and instrument ratings,
an aerobatic instructor rating, plus glider and ultralight instructor ratings.
Bryan has logged some 5,000 hours as PIC of more than 60 types of aircraft.

Bryan's career as a computer executive took him to Boston for nine years.
He spent his time off traveling extensively in his Steen Skybolt biplane and competing at the Advanced level in International Aerobatic Club competitions.

Bryan returned to Canada to devote full time to Challenger distribution.
He has accumulated some 2,400 hours flying and instructing in Challengers
on amphibious floats, retractable wheel/skis, straight skis and tundra tires.
He first instructed in Challengers at National Ultralight's flight school in 1984.

Bryan belongs to the Edenvale Classic Aircraft Foundation where he flies the
Tiger Moth, Fairchild Cornell, Bellanca Cruisemaster and other classics.

He served as Senior Pilot responsible for training and checkrides for 10 years.

Bryan volunteers with the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA) as a Certified SAR RPAS Pilot using the latest drone technologies on searches.
He has flown on RCAF C-130 Hercules aircraft as a Spotter on missions.
In addition to SAR Bryan does advanced drone training and flight reviews.

Bryan holds the highest drone certifications in Canada and the United States:
Transport Canada sRPAS Advanced Operations Pilot Certificate
endorsed with the Flight Reviewer rating, and
FAA Part 107 sUAS Remote Pilot Certificate for Commercial Operations.
He is an Authorized Examiner for the Radio Operator Certificate - Aeronautical.

"High Flight" by John Gillespie Magee, Jr. has been a source of inspiration for
countless flyers. Bryan's column "A Hundred Things" is from "High Flight":

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth,

And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds -- and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of ...

Bryan was inspired to spend his life in pursuit of those hundred things!

Bryan's column "A Hundred Things" in Canadian Flight magazine
offered an account, at times humorous - at times philosophical,
of his wanderings and adventures.

Bryan also wrote "Room To Manoeuvre", a column covering
aerobatics and thought-provoking issues in piloting,
which appeared in Aviation Quarterly magazine
along with his feature articles.

For a selection of magical meanderings and mystical musings click below:
A Hundred Things on All Manner of Things
A Hundred Things on Challenger Discoveries
Room To Manoeuvre on Aerobatics and Airmanship

And now for something completely different - poetry!

Sky Fever

by Bryan Quickmire

With apologies to
John Masefield!

I must go down to the shore again, to the joining of sea and sky,
And all I ask is a small plane, and a stick to steer it by;
And the prop's kick, and the wind's song, and little waves curling,
And a blue sheen on the sea's face, and puffy clouds swirling.

I must go up in the air again, for the call of flying wide,
Is a loud call and a clear call, that can not be denied;
And all I ask is a windless day, with golden sun rays falling,
And the gentle swishing of the spray, and the sea-birds calling.

I must go now to explore again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way, when the wind's no whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn, from a laughing fellow rover,
And quiet sleep and sweet dreams, when the long trip's over.

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Copyright Bryan Quickmire & National Ultralight Inc. All rights reserved.